Thursday, 5 February 2009

Mock up of front cover

Opposite is a scanned image of a mock up front cover for my music magazine. The title "The Score" features many musical symbols to show that this is a music magazine, and also to appeal to the target audience, as non musicians will not understand some of these symbols, but this may not be possible when using computer graphics. The main image will be of a person but will be striking and colourful. I think that some of the text and secondary images may not be needed, depending on how 'busy' the main image is. However I think that this front cover will be appealing and striking once colour is applied. I would like to use bright colours that will stand out and make the magazine appeal to the target audience. I have chosen to use a quotation or title from the main article on the cover to show what the main feature of the magazine will be and to attract attention. I will take all of the images planned for this font cover, but depending on how much space the main image will take up, I may not use all of them in the end.

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